My little Brayden

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 18, 2008

ROM preparation

22/11/2008 -> 当我们去看完婚纱店,dear 便说不如我们去找注册要穿的衣服吧!他告诉友人说,希望可以找到旗袍,因为在结婚当天会穿婚纱,所以希望可以有点华人传统服装。。。budget 大概RM300吧!友人便说不如去 Bangsar 找找看,因为 Bangsar 有很多 boutique。。。我们便往 Bangsar 前进啦!

首先,我们在Bangsar Village II 看看,进去 Beatrice Looi 的 boutique 看看,哇!价钱好高哦!!!四位数的呢!!不过不管,我还去试了两套衣服,不过不适合我,可能身材不够好,哈哈哈!!

我们还在外面的一些 Designer boutiques 和 boutiques 看了一轮,最后只买到一件白色的连身裙,以防我买不到旗袍,还可以穿。。。

之后,我们再次回到 Mid Valley 找找看,不过又是空手而归 :(

23/11/2008 -> 今天,我和dear去 One Utama 继续努力但我先上网查看哪里有卖旗袍,发现 One UtamaSunway Pyramid 都有卖,不过我记得在 One Utama 的其中一间 boutique 看过,所以决定去看看!!

当我们看了其中两间 boutique ,但都超过我们的 budget,突然发现一间小小间的 boutique 有卖旗袍,好像发现新大陆般开心,哈哈!!立刻进去瞧瞧。。。有了,终于看到我要的了,虽然不是 100% 一样,但也很不错!!!去试试吧!!!试了四件,最喜欢以下这件,美吗?

29/11/2008 -> 今天和另外一个朋友去找鞋啦!!我选了 Mid Valley ,因为有比较多 Departmental Store,我们从下午 3:00 走到关店,终于在 Isetan 找到了。。。我不能买太高的鞋,因为。。。 哈哈。。。所以很难找。。。

让大家看看。。。给点意见吧!!! :)


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

寻找pre-wedding photo shooting package (三)

22/11/2008 -> 今天,我们再次再接再厉,我们去了Mid Valley的 MBA Wedding Expo,这是我们第一次去婚纱展,好恐怖哦!虽然这个婚纱展并不是很大,但可能经济低迷,那些SA看到顾客好像饿了很多天的老虎,看到猎物,死命叫我们坐下看配套,但最后我们只在MonLiza坐下,看了很多本相簿,一开始SA的态度还很不错,但当我们说我们的budget没这么高的时候,立刻变脸,完全没有意思要entertain我们 :( 但不用紧啦!我们也没意思要拿他们的配套,因为internet有太多他们的bad comment...

之后我们便赶去Sunway,因为约了朋友去Star East 看配套,但可能是星期六,很多顾客,又不够SA,我们只看了一些相簿记婚纱,那个SA好像想赶我们走,我们问问题,他的眼睛是看着别处而回答我们的问题,我觉得很没礼貌,所以不用像我们会签他们的配套啦!!!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

寻找pre-wedding photo shooting package (二)

15/11/2008 -> 今天,我们继续找适合我们的婚纱店,首先,我们去了Keep Gallery ,因为一位好朋友介绍这件不错,而我也看了他们的摄影方式,我们蛮喜欢的,Keep Gallery的主店在Sunway, SS2是第二间分行,但SS2的有比较多新的婚纱。serve我们的是老板,人很好,他们的配套有别于一般的婚纱店,他们的concept是会给回全部soft copy,但是locked了的,就是说只能洗4R-5R的照片,他们有一个配套是RM900,一天拍摄,4套婚纱,但没有album,不过真得很便宜,值得拍试试看 :P Keep Gallery是比较注重拍摄,婚纱也很美,不过比较适合要简单的情侣,因为他们的算法是一样一样算,相簿大小不一样价钱,pose多少不一样价钱,所以是很customize的,我个人觉得如果你不是要太多东西,只是想拍婚纱照,可以来试一试!

然后我们便去De Casamia
,他们的生意很好,所以没有人serve我们,而派一个junior sales向我们解释配套,配套价钱由RM3288起,婚纱有很多选择,但我们不喜欢他们的服务态度,所以就算了!

我们又再次到Eye Shot,我还试了婚纱,但还是没签,我也不知道还要考虑些设么,哈哈!!可能一生人一次,一定要看清楚,拍得开开心心。。。但Eye Shot没有传统服装,我们希望可以穿裙褂,华人的传统嘛!不过可以租,RM150一天。。。

我们还去了Washington Bridal看多一次,但我们发现婚纱选择虽多,但不是很美,有些还很旧呢!看来还是不要选这间好了。。。


Monday, December 1, 2008

寻找pre-wedding photo shooting package (一)

09/11/08 -〉Dear 今天突然说要去看婚纱,选择婚纱配套,好像有点早是吗?但既然没事做,不如就去看看吧!!!不过我们只在PJ SS2附近看,理由很简单,最靠近进我们住的地方咯!因为一旦选了婚纱店,我们还必须去那间婚纱店好几次呢。。。选配套,选婚纱晚装,拍照,选照片,看设计,拿相簿及拿正日的婚纱晚装,归还婚纱晚装,至少需要去七次,所以朋友劝我应选适合的地点。。。不过这是个人看法,最重要喜欢摄影师的拍摄手法,化妆师的化妆方式,相簿的设计。。。

首先我们去了 Love Vision
, 并不是很喜欢那个SA的态度,有点瞧不起人,虽然我们有说我们的budget介于RM2000 - RM2500, 也不必不想serve我们嘛。。。他们的配套有RM2488 - RM4988。。。如有兴趣,可以上网搜查。。。 婚纱有分VIP, Super VIP 和Designer,不一样的配套可以选的range也不同,如要upgrade就必须加钱。。。

然后我们去了 Wedding Couture, 因为最近有一个promotion,去Bali Island, Phuket Island or Langkawi Island拍摄配套,只需RM1688,蛮吸引我们的,但我们不喜欢摄影师的拍摄手法,最便宜的配套有RM2188, 但只有一本相簿。。。

下一站是 EyeShot Studio,我会知道这件婚纱店是因为 Malaysia Brides Forum 有一个foromer 在这里签了一个配套,我觉得还蛮不错,变想去看看。。。虽然这是一件很小间的婚纱店,老板是摄影师,老板娘是Wedding Consultant,老板和老板娘都很友善,很可以谈,所以给我们的印象很好,虽然婚纱选择并不多,但多数都是designer婚纱,我还蛮喜欢的,这里的配套都蛮适合我们的,值得考虑 :) 我们看中的配套是RM2388,一本大相簿和一本小相簿,4套婚纱。。。

,这是一间一站式的婚纱店,有Photography, Videography, wedding card, bridal makeup, music & live band, hall decoration, chinese customary products, chaperon, wedding car rental, emcee & wedding planner服务。。。 最便宜的配套是RM2988,RedBliss通常都不会把价钱减低,只可能会给多些礼物。。。

我们顺便去了 Victoria
,因为只在对面,服务很不错,但价钱也不便宜,但他们一直说他们的quality是最好的,从相簿到婚纱到拍摄技术,但由于超过我们的预算,所以out... 不过值得去看一看,婚纱没分range...

我们还去了 Twins ,但我们并不是很喜欢,所以也没多问,但价钱也不是便宜,而服务态度也不是很好,可能看到我们不是穿到很光鲜去吧!!!所以out...

最后我们便到 Washington Bridal ,因为我从forum见到一位新娘在Lang Tengah拍的pre-wedding photo,很美,很吸引我,所以便和dear去看看。。。SA的服务态度很好,还跟我们说下个星期有八周年promotion,配套将会折扣RM1000,很吸引吧!!!但婚纱就没这么吸引我啦!!!但还值得考虑 :)


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


当我们从Milan回来后,dear 忙于工作,所以我告知父母我要结婚了,妈妈要我们选学校假期时间,因为那时她比较空闲,所以最早是明年年尾才能举办我们的婚礼。dear说这么迟?所以我们决定先注册,我希望我的父母可以看到我注册,而他们将在今年12月来KL, 我们俩决定选个容易记得日期,2008年12月31日,特别吧!!!

择日 - > 10月2日 - dear 一直不在KL,所以我唯有和妹妹去罗铁笔结婚择日馆,询问结婚吉日,我们去到便见到几位小姐(工作人员),其中一位便问我们的生辰八字(出生日期时间),双方父母的生肖,双方的贯籍,自后再次确认后,就付费RM199(很贵吧!一个日期要这个价钱,没办法啦!),还有高树他们婚期大概要在么时候,然后我们两天后便可以拨电话来问所选到的日子。我们必须选定一个日子,然后再去见罗师傅,他便会给我们过大礼的日期,安床的日期,出门的时间。。。还会给我们一个很美的盒子,里面将有一些红包袋,没有钱的哦,哈哈!!!只是一些需要用的东西,我还没去拿,当我拿后才在让大家知道。。。
买结婚戒指 -〉10月25日 - 今天,我和dear决定去看戒指,我们去了Mid Valley,因为那里有比较多选择。首先,我们先去了TOMEI,但没看中,随后去了WAH CHAN,又没看中,还去了Diamond and Platinum,这里有一对我们蛮满意的,但我们决定再看看,因为还有很多选择。。。我们还去了POH KONG,但我们不喜欢。。。我们决定去The Gardens找找看,我们先去了DeGem,但太贵了!!!我们便去周大富,在此我看中了,只是一个很普通的钻戒,就是喜欢,但我们决定继续找找,之后我们去了Love&Co,但dear不喜欢。。。我们又再次回到Diamond and Platinum,再次看回那对戒指,好难选哦!毕竟一生人只有一次嘛!看了很久,决定回周大富,在那又看了许久,因为有budget concern,所以好矛盾哦!!!最后我们选了一对,我的是solitare diamond ring,dear的是wedding band,不过还蛮配的,哈哈!!!mission accomplished... 迟点才post相片给大家看 :P

Europe - Milan -> Romantic City

On 19/09/2008 early morning, we checked out from Paris hotel, heading to train station as our train to Milan departed at 7am.

See dear is so sleepy, the eyes are so small :D In the train to Milan, spotted some nice scenery, maybe is some other country...

The train ride was about 7 hours, really tiring... After we reached Milan, we still wonder around the train station, because we were looking for immigration, we wonder how come no need to pass the immigration, but we could not find it, so we gave up. After that we went to Metro station to take metro to hotel, we kept on looking for the ticketing counter, again we failed to find it, so only could purchase the ticket through machine, but no worry, can choose language for it.

Then when we reached the metro station that our hotel located, we didn't know which way to follow, so asked people around, again they could not speak English, they only speak Italian, but they can understand simple English. Who knows we asked one passerby where is the hotel, then he guided me to a long way, both of us carried our luggages walked around looking for hotel like mad people... haha

Finally we reached the hotel, after took bath, we directly went out again. :D We bought the 2 days ticket, which can take any public transport, for Euro$6 only, a lot cheaper compared to Paris.

The first place we visited in Milan - Duomo. It is a catheral church, we impress by the amazing interior and exterior design again. Really nice, I wonder how long they took to complete this church, everything is just perfect.

Guess what.... Something special happened front of Duomo... maybe because of the romantic city, dear suddenly popup a question for me, which make me shock, I didn't expect he's ready already. But no flower nor ring, just a question, does this consider porposal??? hehe I really happy and excited...

This is a shopping mall next to Duomo, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Shopping heaven for shopaholics, but not for me, because too branded and too expensive.

We had dinner in Duomo Bar which could enjoy Duomo night view. So romantic. But I felt sick that time. :(

On the 2nd day, we went to see The Last Supper painting. An advice to all, if you wish to visit this, you need to purchase the ticket online in advance, you'll never get a ticket there, but you need to pay more for it. But the painting is really big, it's as big as a wall, wonder how Leordano da Vinci did this painting last time...

After that, we went to San Siro Stadium, which holding matches for 2 famous football team - Inter Milan and AC Milan. We walked a lot to reach there too. But we didn't go in the stadium, because need to pay as well even though no matches going on.

After that, we visited Sforza Castle, a big and unique castle.

We went back to Duomo (it's the center of Milan) again, wanted to take better photos at Duomo, as this place is so special to us. :)

Here end my Europe trip. How I wish to continue visit there, next time I wish to visit to Rome and Venice... Wish my dream will come true soon :P

Europe - Paris -> Fashion city

This is a prompt trip for me, at first only dear is going for training (business trip), then we found the air ticket was so cheap during Matta Fair, so... hehe... of course I want to follow :P furthermore dear paid half of my expenses...

Confirm we went on 14/09/2008 midnight and back to Malaysia on 21/09/2008. Wow another vacation after Australia, so happy... So after purchased the air ticket, we started do survey on Paris and Milan. It's my first time to Europe, so excited...

Paris and Milan, I'm coming... Transit at Dubai airport, you see so many people slept on the floor, it was midnight that time, Dubai airport really is a busy airport.

The flight from KL to Dubai took about 4 hours, then transit in Dubai for another 4 hours, after that only traveled to Paris which took another 7 hours. It was tiring, but after we reached Paris and checked in the hotel, we were so excited want to go Paris landmark - Eiffel Tower. So after took bath, we went to Eiffel Tower by Metro, although we had do some research, we still asked the hotel staffs, although they could not speak fluent English, but they tried too, so impress with their services. The Metro fare was Euro$1.60 one way, no matter where you go, even is one station only. For those who interested to have free and easy tour to Paris, can research on following website:
Paris Metro
Paris city tour

aris Eiffel Tower... see my dear so terror? It was about 15 degree I think, he just wore normal shirt without jacket!!! He was cold till freezing...

Another Paris landmark - Arc de triomphe... It is in the middle of a roundabout with 12 intersections!!!!

On the 2nd day, we went out early also, this time dear remembered his jacket already, see the
scarf that he wore, that was made by me!!! :)

Sacre Couer - an old church but the exterior and interior are amazing... only one word to describe - thumbs up.

Many artists drawing on the street.

Notre Dame - Another church.

Museum de Louvre - this is the place where Monalisa painting being kept. But we didn't go in to see the painting, because need entrance fee, then it was almost closed when we reached there.

Dear got training on the 3rd and 4th day, so I just stayed in hotel waiting for him, watched French movies, which I totally don't understand, but I did some research on Milan too... The training was ended earlier on 4th day, so we managed to visit some of the places in Paris again... :P

Here's another 2 museums, there are a lot of museums in Paris, especially art museums, but we are not art people, so only see around... haha

I like this, it was my 1st time visit country in fall... the scenery is just superb.


The most beautiful bridge in Paris.

Another museum. But really impress with the art work.

Here ends my trip in Paris. Enjoy it very much!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Australia - Melbourne trip

Melbourne is one of the destinations that I always dream to go, finally this year I got the chance to visit my aunty family in Melbourne, they have been stay there for 20 years I think, now even my cousins have setup family there as well... The purpose of this trip is attending my cousin's wedding + family vacation, furthermore I never been to a country during winter, never thought of I can see snow during this trip.

Let's start with the trip preparation, I remember May (cousin) asked us whether can attend her wedding in August or not during Chinese New Year 2008, me and my sis really excited and planned to go, but in order to get the cheap air ticket, we kept on checking on the budget airline to Melbourne, because we need to pay for our parents as well, so need save for it. Finally in May 2008, we booked the Tiger Airway which need to fly from Singapore and transit at Darwin, but the ticket is half price compared to MAS Airline. So our vacation will start from 18/08/2008 until 26/08/2008. While 23/08/2008 is May's wedding day.

Me and my sis departed from One Utama heading to Singapore on 16/08/2008, this is our 1st time taking First Coach, quite impress with it. No meal provided, only a pack of biscuit and a small bottle of mineral water, but got own video on demand. The most important factor is the price is really cheap.

- First Coach

Then we stayed overnight at brother's place, went to Singapore budget terminal on Sunday afternoon, our flight was 6pm. After check-in, then the flight will transit at Darwin Aiport for 2 hours, after that only heading to Melbourne.

Darwin Airport - midnight still full of passengers.
In the flight, when almost reach Melbourne.

We reached Melbourne was already 18/08/2008 7am, one thing that I'm happy with Tiger Airway was the flight is always on time, although is budget airline too... Once we landed at Melbourne T4 airport, wow... it was freezing cold... I also don't know how many degrees was that... while waiting for our luggage, I saw the bride-to-be (May) and groom-to-be (Daniel)... after that saw Angela and aunty as well, so happy and exciting saw them. After took our luggage, then heading to aunty's house (our accommodation place in Melbourne). After reached aunty's house, we rest for a while first, cause really did not have a nice sleep on the plane, the flight was not comfortable at all.

After resting, we went out for dimsum lunch... met another cousin (Hui Ping) and her 2 lovely daughters (Fiona and Alicia). Wow... the di msum was awsome... damn nice... and big portion... Then we went to Rhododendron Garden, Mount Dandenong and visited May's house.

- dim sum lunch (so yummy!!)

- kookabura

- Melbourne city view from Mt. Dandenong

On the second day, uncle was the one be our tour guide, we had breakfast at home, then brought some sandwiches prepared by aunty for our picnic lunch. Firstly, we visited Melbourne Zoo, saw a lot of animals that only can be found in Australia - little penguin, kangaroo, wombat and of course koala bear (but it was sleeping that time). After back from Zoo, we went to Crown Casino, just pay a visit to it, didn't play, then had our dinner inside, it was a lot cheaper compared with outside. Then we visited the tallest building in Melbourne - Eureka Skydeck, we able to see whole Melbourne city night view from the top, it was a great experience.

- can't remember the name of this animal already :P

- Red tree kangaroo

- king kong

- don't know what kind of monkey is this...

- kangaroo

- wombat

- lazy koala bear

- Melbourne city view from top of Eureka Skydeck

On the following day, we went to Great Ocean Road, but it was really freezing cold. While we had picnic lunch in one of the town on the way to 12 Apostles, I was shivering even though we had hot chips. Thanks May and Daniel prepared such delicious picnic lunch for us. Then we headed to 12 Apostles, wow... it was an amazing scene. Then we had laksa for dinner... yummy...

- picnic lunch

- 12 Apostles

- Melbourne city

On the next day, we all woke up early, to help aunty on preparing "kueh" and curry puff for hi tea in the afternoon, cause she had invited May's parents-in-law and family for small gathering. The had the tea ceremoney as well, can feel that Daniel's family all so excited for that, cause it's new thing for them.

- tea ceremony

On 23/08/2008, this was a memorable day for May and Daniel, also my dear's birthday, a little bit sad that can't celebrate with dear this year, but we sure can celebrate together in the future years. We all woke up early in the morning, need to get ourselves ready and also did some little makeup for mum and aunty. After that we went to the wedding venue - MontSalvat, I'm really impress with the punctuality of Australian, I don't think we can't have it in Malaysia here... May and Daniel had their vow and legally as husband and wife here, so happy for them. Then we went home rest first and went for wedding dinner at 6pm. The dinner venue was at Wattle Park, this is my first time attending western wedding ceremony, it was a great experience, we had western dinner, then had dancing session, until now I only realized May is a great dancer, all of us were enjoying the night.

- everyone is so happy... but freezing cold as well...

- lovely couples finally tie their knot together

The next day we were invited to Daniel's parents house for high tea session and witness their opening present session.

On 25/08/2008 early morning, we went to Mt Buller - snow mountain. It was a long journey, I think about 4 hours from Melbourne city. We had a great time there, cause we all saw snow for the first time, although no snowing, really enjoyable.

- Mt Buller

Here came to the last day in Melbourne, Angela brought me and Ling went for breakfast in St. Kilda, we even had ice cream in winter!!!! After that we went to Hui Ping's house for lunch, Hui Ping and her hubby (Andreas) were preparing lunch for us, I like their house personally, it's so comfy... Andreas really is a good cook, I miss the grill lamb chop... yummy yummy... After lunch, we went to Montone Beach for a walk, then went back to Hui Ping's house for high tea... nice nice

- ice cream... yummy yummy

- cousin's house

- Montone Beach

Then we were getting ready to airport, we were spending a night in Perth due to no flight back to Singapore that day. While we reached Perth, it was midnight already, we all stayed in an apartment hotel, cost us AUS$165 per night per unit, with 2 rooms and 1 living room and kitchen.

- Kings Park in Perth
We woke up early the next day, cause this will be the last day for us in Australia, and we never visit Perth as well. So after checked out, we went to King's Park, it is really a big park and we not able to visit the whole park. After that we just spent time in Perth city and bought some souvenir. In the evening we went to Perth airport and heading back to Singapore. Here ends our Melbourne trip. Really wish to say big THANK YOU for those who spending time and money for us in Melbourne, I really appreciate it.